PSF Meeting Minutes for July 12, 2016
A regular meeting of the Python Software Foundation ("PSF") Board of Directors was held over Group Conference Call via phone and Internet Relay Chat beginning at 17:00 UTC, on July 12, 2016. Betsy Waliszewski took notes/minutes.
All votes are reported in the form "Y-N-A" (in favor-Y‚opposed-N‚abstentions-A; e.g. "5-1-2" means "5 in favor, 1 opposed, and 2 abstentions").
1 Attendance
The following members of the Board of Directors were present at the meeting: Diana Clarke, Van Lindberg, Kushal Das, Annapoornima Koppad, Lorena Mesa, Trey Hunner, Carrie Ann Philbin, Carol Willing (by proxy), Naomi Ceder (by proxy), Younggun Kim (by proxy), Jacqueline Kazil (by proxy). 7 directors were present and 4 directors sent in proxy votes.
Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer), Mark Mangoba (IT Manager), Betsy Waliszewski (Assistant Secretary), and Ewa Jodlowska (Director of Operations) were also in attendance.
2 Minutes of Past Meetings
The 29 June 2016 Board meeting minutes were voted on and approved.
RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation approve the minutes at as representing a true and accurate record of the June 29, 2016 meeting
Approved 6-0-5.
3 Meetup Expenses Approved
Below is a list of Meetup expenses the PSF has approved since the June 14th board meeting:
- $269.82 USD to cover the cost of the PyLadies Vancouver chapter (3 renewals (6 months per)
- $29.94 USD to cover the cost of Pyladies Rio de Janerio subscription for six months (June 2016 through December 2016).
4 Work Group Reports
Note: Reports are received once a month. Next set of reports are due for the second July 2016 board meeting.
5 Board Director & Staff Reports for June 2016
Note: Reports are received once a month. Next set of reports are due for the second July 2016 board meeting.
6 Votes Approved by Working Groups
Below are resolutions approved by the various PSF Working Groups since the June 29th board meeting:
6.1 PyGotham Diversity Scholarships
RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation’s Grants Working Group grant $5000 USD for 50 diversity scholarships/discounts for PyGotham 2016.
Approved 6-0-0 on July 1, 2016
6.2 Saleduck - New PSF Sponsor
RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation's Sponsor Working Group approve Saleduck at the Iron Sponsor Level.
Approved 8-0-0 on July 11, 2016.
6.3 AfroPyVasity Workshop
RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation’s Grants Working Group grant $1700 USD to AfroPyVasity, happening at Kampala International University Sept 19, 2016.
Approved 7-0-0 on June 28, 2016.
7 Approvals / Votes by Email
7.1 Conda Workshop
$250 USD - PuPPy (Puget Sound Programming Python) User Group, Seattle, WA: Conda Workshop. Approved with Board Director's allowance.
8 New Business
8.1 PyCon UK
RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $8500 USD to PyCon UK happening September 15-19, 2016, in Cardiff.
Approved 8-0-3
8.2 Django Girls Minna, Nigeria
RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation grant $500 USD to Django Girls Minna, Nigeria for their event happening on September 10, 2016.
Approved 9-0-2
9 Other Business / Discussions
- Agreed to move the Python Programming Workshop in collaboration with ITIE Academy discussion to the Grant Working Group.
- Community emails and blogs: send minutes updates (from May 10 and June 14 meetings) to psf-community mailing list. Set up blog calendar.
- Compensation committee: continue discussion via email.
- PyPI legal questions: continue discussion via email.
10 Meeting Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by Diana Clarke at 17:38 UTC.