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Nominee for 2024 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Ivy Fung

  • Previous Board Service: -
  • Employer:
  • Other Affiliations: PyCon MY, PyCon APAC
  • Nominee Statement:

      I am Ivy Fung from Malaysia. Since 2019, I have been actively involved in organizing PyCon Malaysia. I volunteered to be the chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020 and had to face the challenge of turning the event around to be a virtual event in a short time. The following few years were a tough recovery period, just like all other PyCons were facing. Through these years, the PyCon MY team has learned valuable lessons, and I think the following 3 are the main learning I have:

      1. It is important to have support from other communities. We received support from PyCon communities and other communities around the world. I realized, that to receive help, others need to know that we exist and are active.

      2. We need to know who to reach out to. That means to actively participate in the communities.

      3. To know our vision and have the community in our hearts. That would drive us through the tough time.

      My Objectives in Running for the Board

      My experiences with Python communities past 5 years have encouraged me to step up to be for roles outside of Malaysia. There are 2 main objectives I am running for the board, and they are bilateral:

      1. Stand up and be counted. The Malaysian community has been around for more than 10 years and has been running PyCon MY annually without fail, no matter how tough the time was. To continue supporting the community, to have the community's voice to be heard is one of the factors. As PyCon MY is one of the active communities of the APAC region, our presence is not only about Malaysia, but a larger community, particularly South East Asia where presence in PSF needs improvement.

      2. Communicating the goals of PSF: I must admit that I know very little about the Python community in general for the first few years I have been organizing PyCon MY. I started actively to understand and share more about Python communities and participated in other PyCon and PyLadies events after I got to know more about it. The better way to be more involved is to help others to know more and to be more connected, and the best way is to be involved with upholding PSF’s vision and mission.

      My experiences and work-in-progress:

      • Organized PyCon MY since 2019
      • Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020. Successfully transitioned PyCon APAC 2020 to an online format due to the global pandemic. This event focused on panel discussions with speakers from different industries and communities to share their experiences and points of view.
      • Established connections with PyCon organizers regionally.
      • Volunteered for translation and emceeing at PyLadies events.
      • Actively participated and spoke in PyCons across the APAC region.
      • Aimed to make PyCon MY more sustainable
      • Groom successors.
      • Collaborated with local authorities and communities to promote PyCon MY.

      *中文版* 我是来自马来西亚的 Ivy Fung**。自 2019 年以来,我一直积极参与筹办 PyCon Malaysia。我自愿担任 PyCon APAC 2020 的主席,并不得不面对在短时间内将活动转变为线上活动的挑战。接下来的几年是一段艰难的恢复期,就像所有其他 PyCon 所面临的一样。这些年来,PyCon MY 团队学到了宝贵的经验教训,我认为以下 3 点是我学到的重点:

      1. 获得其他社区的支持很重要。我们得到了 PyCon 社区和世界各地其他社区的支持。我意识到,要获得帮助,其他人需要知道我们的存在和并且保持社区的活跃。

      2. 我们需要知道该联系谁。这意味着要积极参与社区活动。

      3. 了解我们的愿景,以社区为的利益出发点。这愿景帮助我们度过艰难时期。


      过去 5 年我在 Python 社区的经历鼓励我站出来担任马来西亚以外的职位。我竞选董事会有两个主要的双向目标:

      1. 站出来并被重视。马来西亚社区已经存在了 10 多年。无论多么艰难,我门每年都坚持举办 PyCon MY,从未间断。继续支持社区,让社区的声音被听到是其中一个因素。由于 PyCon MY 是亚太地区活跃的社区之一,我们的存在不仅针对马来西亚,还针对更大的社区,特别是东南亚,PyCon MY 在PSF 中的存在需要加强。

      2. 传达 PSF 的目标:我必须承认,在筹办 PyCon MY 的最初几年里,我对 PyCon MY 以外社区的了解甚少。在对 Python 社区有了更多了解之后,我开始积极地了解和分享更多关于 Python 社区的信息,并参加了其他 PyCon 和 PyLadies 活动。我觉得,参与的更好方法是帮助其他人了解更多并建立更多联系,最好的方法是参与维护 PSF 的愿景和使命。

      我的经历和正在进行的工作: 自 2019 年起组织 PyCon MY PyCon APAC 2020 主席。由于全球疫情,成功将 PyCon APAC 2020 转变为线上形式。本次活动以小组讨论为主,来自不同行业和社区的演讲者分享他们的经验和观点。 与地区 PyCon 组织者建立联系。 在 PyLadies 活动中担任翻译和主持志愿者。 积极参与亚太地区 PyCon 并发表演讲。 旨在让 PyC​​on MY 更具可持续性 培养继任者。 与当地政府和社区合作推广 PyCon MY。

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by:

      Organized PyCon MY since 2019 Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020 Established connections with PyCon organizers regionally. Volunteered for translation and emceeing at PyLadies events. Actively participated and spoke in PyCons across the APAC region. Aimed to make PyCon MY more sustainable Collaborated with local authorities and communities to promote PyCon MY.

    • Nomination by: Winnie Ke

      Ivy has been actively involved in organizing PyCon MY since 2019 and has demonstrated strong leadership skills as the Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020. Her establishment of connections with PyCon organizers regionally showcases her ability to foster collaboration and build relationships within the community. Her participation and speaking engagements in PyCons across the APAC region have further solidified her expertise and credibility.

      Given Ivy's impressive track record and her passion for supporting and promoting the Python community, I believe she would be a valuable addition to the PSF board.

    • Nomination by: WEI LEE
      • Organized PyCon MY since 2019
      • Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020
      • Established connections with PyCon organizers regionally.
      • Volunteered for translation and emceeing at PyLadies events.
      • Actively participated and spoke in PyCons across the APAC region.
      • Aimed to make PyCon MY more sustainable
      • Groom successors.
      • Collaborated with local authorities and communities to promote PyCon MY.
    • Nomination by: Younggun Kim

      I nominate Ivy for a new position on our board. It is with great enthusiasm that I put forward her name for your consideration, given her exceptional contributions and the potential she brings to our organization.

      Since joining the MY team in 2019, Ivy has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities. A prime example of her capabilities was her instrumental role in successfully organizing and executing the APAC event in 2020 as a chairperson. This achievement not only showcased her organizational skills but also highlighted her ability to navigate complex, large-scale projects with finesse.

      One of the key factors that make Ivy an excellent candidate for the board is her geographical location. Based in Malaysia, she is strategically positioned to expand our influence across the rapidly growing Asian region. Malaysia's proximity to other countries in Asia provides Ivy with a unique vantage point, allowing her to tap into regional trends, foster new partnerships, and extend our organization's reach.

    • Nomination by: James Ing Wei Tang

      Ivy Fung joined PyCon MY since 2019 and has been a very dedicated member in the community.

      She also chaired PyCon APAC 2020, 2021 and 2022. During her chairmanship period, she had brought new ideas to PyCon MY, such as runnjng PyCon APAC 2020 as a panel discussion session, rather than a usual conference during the pandemic area.

      The greatest asset of Ivy Fung is she knows how to connect PyCon MY to different networks and communities through participating in the activities in other PyCons. To date she had participated in various PyCons, such as PyCon APAC, PyCon PH and also volunteering in Pyladies.

      Hence as a nominator, I will recommend to have Ivy in the board of directors.

    • Nomination by: Pin Jui Chen

      I am pleased to recommend Ivy Fung for 2024 Python Software Foundation Board. Ivy has been a vital part of the Python community, particularly through her leadership in organizing PyCon Malaysia since 2019 and serving as Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020.

      She ability to build strong regional connections with PyCon organizers and their volunteer work in translation and emceeing at PyLadies events demonstrate a deep commitment to fostering inclusivity and collaboration within the community.

      Ivy is also dedicated to making PyCon Malaysia more sustainable and developing future leaders. She activies participation as a speaker in various APAC PyCon events further showcases her passion and expertise.

      With a proven track record of community engagement and effective leadership, I am confident that Ivy will be an excellent addition to any team or project.

    • Nomination by: Iqbal Abdullah

      Ivy has been one of the main organizers for PyCon MY and has done a wonderful job pulling the community together after a disastrous pandemic that nearly decimated the community in Malaysia. She is also active working with the regional community and groups such as PyLadies to increase diversity and inclusion within our APAC region.

      Ivy have been an instrumental member of our PyCon APAC community pushing for greater coordination and also upbringing of minority groups such as womenfolk and also geographically different communities in our region.

    • Nomination by: KwonHan Bae
      • Ivy Fung has been involved with PyCon MY since 2019, serving as the Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020 in Sabah, East Malaysia.
      • She aimed to bring PyCon MY closer to East Malaysians and offer a unique experience for international attendees.
      • When the pandemic hit, Ivy and her team successfully transitioned to an online format, emphasizing panel discussions and featuring global speakers.
      • She has fostered connections with regional PyCon organizers and contributed to PyLadies events and APAC PyCons.
      • Lately, she has focused on ensuring PyCon MY’s sustainability and mentoring future leaders by working with local communities and authorities.
    • Nomination by: Winnie Ke

      Ivy has been actively involved in organizing PyCon MY since 2019 and has demonstrated strong leadership skills as the Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020. Her establishment of connections with PyCon organizers regionally showcases her ability to foster collaboration and build relationships within the community. Her participation and speaking engagements in PyCons across the APAC region have further solidified her expertise and credibility.

      Given Ivy's impressive track record and her passion for supporting and promoting the Python community, I believe she would be a valuable addition to the PSF board.