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Nominee for 2020 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Valeria Calderon

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Credijusto
  • Other Affiliations: Pyladies Mexico City Co-organizer, Python Guatemala Community Co-Founder
  • Nominee Statement:

      Python Community Contributions:

      Python Guatemala Community Founder and Lead Organizer.

      In 2016 I found out that there were no Python Community in Guatemala, so I started looking for advice on getting started the community and how to run it so finally in april 2017 After finding some support with friends who also used python as a hobby or at work we launched the first meetup in Quetzaltenango City. It was a success I didn't even imagine that so many people was interested in the Python language. Quetzaltenango is the place I lived in at the time so i started there but I knew there is always people that needs just a little push to get started everywhere, I also knew the potential of Python and how much it helps to the people to learn more from a inclusive community so I started organizing meetups in many different places like Guatemala City and Huehuetenango and also giving talks at local events both from other communities or University events, I am happy to have inspired some students to start using Python and also to be more open to join the local communities, since Guatemala didn't have that community culture and sometimes is scary to get into a world that might be unknown or the misconceptions in which we might believe that only "experts" are welcome.

      PyLadies Mexico City Co-Organizer.

      In June 2018 I moved to Mexico City for a job opportunity and a few months later I got in touch with the Pyladies México City which accepted me as a Co-Organizer, from that time to now we have Organized 2 Women in Data Science (Standford) at UNAM with around 400 assistants and with a proudly 75% of women. Our objective has always been to create a secure and inclusive space for people who identifies as ladies and in which no matter the level of experience we are glad to have them as speakers or assistants. We also organize Workshops and monthly meetups changing the location of the activities to be more accessible to the people since Mexico City is seriously big!.

      Python Conference Organizing

      * PyCon USA 2020 Speaker Mentor
      * PyCon Latam 2020/2021 Organizer
      * PyCon USA 2018 Volunteer
      * PyCon Canada 2019 Volunteer
      * PyCon Latam 2019 Volunteer
      * Django Girls 2019 Mexico City Mentor

      Other Python Community Contributions

      • Jupyter Notebooks Documentation translation to Spanish

      Python Conference Speaking

      • PyCon Canada 2019: Datetimes in Python without loosing your head
      • PyCon Latam 2019: Sopita de datos con espinacas (Web Scraping)
      • PyCon USA 2018: Reactive Programming with RxPy
      • PyCon Spain 2017: Breakout Detection en Twitter para analisis en series de datos

      Goals as a Board Member

      My main Goal in the PSF is to create a better way to communicate to the communities in Latin America. Currently the Latam Communities have a small or null communication trough one country to another and even though we are very close to each other in distance we might not even be aware of which communities are there, I think that it is very important to have a good way to communicate to other organizer to support to each other and to build a solid organization.

      Another very important Goal is to understand how to get to more people in Latin America, even though we already use Social Networks and other spaces to share events or communities that the PSF supports a lot of people doesn't even know about the existence of the PSF, I think that first we need to understand which are the chanels to reach that people and then implement a strategy to be more present in the Latin America Developers Community.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Seb Vetter

      Valery is an enthusiastic member of the Python community and has actively contributed to the community as an organizer and founder of Python meetups in North and Central America. She's a dedicated mentor to others in the community and shares her knowledge and experience broadly. She's also a frequent speaker at various conferences and meetups. I'm nominating her because she's dedicated to building and contributing to a strong community and her contributions as a PSF board member will help shape a well-rounded global community.