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Nominee for 2020 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Mannie Young

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: 2Pi Real Intelligence
  • Other Affiliations: Python Ghana, PyCon Ghana, Python Africa, Pycon Africa, Django Girls
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hello there, my name is Mannie Young. I’m a computer scientist, graphic designer and software developer. I’m also a community builder and volunteer as a mentor (when free) helping people with interest in software development. It's with great pleasure that I submit my nomination statement for the 2020 Python Software Foundation Board of Directors elections.

      Python Community Contributions

      • Python Ghana: I am a co-founder of the Python Software Community in Ghana, where I’ve served since 2017. I initiated and played significant roles in the creation of various projects/initiatives and Python user groups under the community where we work collectively to achieve the vision of the community.

      Some of these initiatives are: - PyScholars which focuses on students in the senior high level. Here, our aim is for students to be introduced to Python programming in a relaxed and fun environment. - PyClubs on campuses where students meet to study and grow together. - PyData Ghana that aims to promote discussion of best practices, new approaches, and emerging technologies for data management, processing, analytics, and visualization. - PyLadies Ghana: With the help of Root Lynn (the global leader of PyLadies) in 2017, my team and I kickstarted the PyLadies initiative in Ghana which is now a vibrant community thanks to the fantastic all-female team currently managing it.

      Other Python Community Contributions

      Python Conference Organizing
      • PyCon Ghana 2018 Co-organizer - Less than a year of commencement as a community, we organized the very first PyCon held in Ghana, which was a tremendous success with representation for various parts of the world.
      • PyCon Africa 2019 Co-organizer - Together with Marlene Maghami and a wonderful multi-national team, we organized the very first PyCon Africa that we were privileged to host in Accra, Ghana. Aside from being part of the executive team, I handled all the designs, social media activities and assisted in managing the website used during the conference.
      • PyCon Africa 2020 Co-organizer - Building on our success in 2019, I am honoured to currently be part of the organizing team of this year’s PyCon Africa which will be held online due to the ongoing pandemic. I’m also handling the designs, social media activities and developed the website we are using for the conference.
      • Django Girls: I organized several Django Girls in Ghana and assisted in all 15+ workshops held around Ghana since the very first, with an outreach of 500+ attendees.

      Goals as a Board Member

      • To help brainstorm on effective ways to help improve the PSF's brand and funding initiatives, enabling growth and stability.
      • Contribute to the development of the Python Community in Africa, building a stronger community.
      • Focus and contribute to the growth of Python in Education.
      • Continue my contribution and support to diversity.

      It would be an honor to serve and continue contributing to the Python community if given this opportunity as Director.

      Thank you.