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Nominee for 2019 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Harry Percival

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer:
  • Other Affiliations:
  • Nominee Statement:

      I've been lucky enough to be writing Python for pretty much the entirety of my programming career (we'll gloss over my time as a Lotus Notes developer) and I feel quite committed to the language and its community, now.

      I'm really curious to see how we take on the new challenges of the coming year, particularly as regards financing. I hope I can help find ways to increase our fundraising, and eventually be able to sponsor more activities, including core development, as well as continuing our commitment to diversity, inclusion and community.

      I hope everyone appreciates that I used the word community twice, and as a British person that's very hard for me to do with a straight face, as is expressing any kind of emotion. But I do love this language and the people involved in it, so I hope I can help.